Papermaking equipment

Assuming several buffers with different characteristics (referred to as springs), analyze their absorption and force on the quantity (see Figure 4-48). Under the same reaction force and absorption of the same energy, comparing the magnitude of deformation, the following order can be obtained:

Rise rate>constant rate>pre compression or damping>drop rate>constant load. CONTATECH air springs are the choice for various vibration isolation and pneumatic execution applications. German imported rubber air springs have excellent nonlinear hard characteristics, which can effectively limit amplitude, avoid resonance, and prevent impact. The nonlinear characteristic curve of rubber air springs can be ideally designed according to actual needs, resulting in lower stiffness values near the rated load. Due to the fact that the medium used in rubber air springs is mainly air, it is easy to implement active control. The stiffness k of rubber air springs varies with the load P, so under different loads, the natural frequency ε of their isolation system remains almost unchanged. Firestone air springs, Firestone airbags, DUNLOP corrugated air springs, Goodyea leather bag cylinders, and Goodyear rubber shock absorber airbags also have almost the same isolation effect. The stiffness of rubber air springs is adjustable, and the stiffness of the system can be changed by changing the volume of the air chamber or the pressure inside the chamber. Regardless of the load capacity, the air pressure can be adjusted as needed to adjust the stiffness of the rubber air spring, or the internal volume of the auxiliary air chamber can be increased to reduce stiffness. CONTATECH air spring, ContiTech air spring CONTATECH airbag leather bag cylinder

Constant rate spring is a common type of spring that absorbs half of the product of reaction force and deformation. From the above order, it can be seen that the constant load spring effectively absorbs energy. Therefore, it is easy to implement active control. The stiffness k of rubber air springs varies with the load P, so under different loads, the natural frequency ε of their isolation system remains almost unchanged. Firestone air springs, Firestone airbags, DUNLOP corrugated air springs, Goodyea leather bag cylinders, and Goodyear rubber shock absorber airbags also have almost the same isolation effect. The stiffness of rubber air springs is adjustable, and Contitech airbag air springs from Germany welcome you! Contitech air spring, Continental airbag, Firestone air spring, Contitech Firestone airbag, DUNLOP corrugated air spring, Goodyea leather bag cylinder, Goodyear hose shock absorber airbag rubber air spring can change the stiffness of the system by changing the volume or pressure of the air chamber. But its disadvantage is that it generates the same amount of reaction force from beginning to end, without a transition period from small to large. The compromise is to use a rate reduction, pre compression, or damping spring. For an undamped ideal spring, regardless of which type is used, the energy absorbed is reversible and can be fully released. Therefore, there is no attenuation in the amplitude of the vibration generated after being impacted. If the impact resistant weak spring is supported by rubber, the energy absorbed by the rubber damping part is irreversible, so the amplitude after impact will be effectively attenuated. Choosing the appropriate damping value of rubber can adjust the range between pre compression and constant load springs in terms of energy absorption effect. If, based on the impact situation, the damping force of rubber is selected at the beginning of the impact, that is, when the deformation tends to zero, the damping force is maximum, and at the end, when the elastic force is large, the damping force is zero. This constitutes that when subjected to impact, it has the same characteristics as a constant load spring, which is effective in absorbing energy, and the vibration generated after the impact is effectively attenuated. As shown in Figure 4-43, the dashed part of the square area of the constant load spring consumes half of the damping effect of rubber (i.e. half of the square area) in the first half of the impact cycle, and the remaining energy storage part is lost in the second half of the cycle (i.e. half of the triangle area, i.e. three-quarters of the impact energy is consumed in the first cycle, so the vibration after the impact will be immediately eliminated. Therefore, rubber is used as a buffer material for patrol teams.
